Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Two party system

I have heard complaints that the two party system doesn't work in Utah. I disagree - the two party system is live and well in Utah. I have also heard that balance is needed in the legislature. I agree - but only if the people of Utah decide the balance. Since 1970 the voters of Utah have supported the two party system but have not supported balance otherwise we would see 52 Republicans and 52 Democrats serving. However, the voters will speak on how many Republicans and Democrats will serve in the legislature Nov. 4th.

When voters go to the polls they will remember that Utah is only one of five states with a triple A (AAA) bond rating, Utah has had enormous economic growth, its revenues are healthy even in declining economic times and its savings accounts are filled to the brim. Finally, Utah is proven to be the Best Managed State in the Nation.