Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Distinguishing Republicans from Democrats in Utah

It is only fair that candidates be honest and declare their party affliation beyond the ballot designation on election day. The voters need to know which party the candidates represent because party affliation is a good indicator of a person's persuasion.

For example, if you are a Utah County Democrat you are a standard bearer of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Kerry, Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi and John Edwards. Once you are a member of the Democratic Party you are - whether you like it or not - a foot soldier for the national party - they count you in their numbers and support you and fund you. This problem is why Utah Democratic candidates do not use the party name or logo in their presentations or literature. The second problem is Utah County Democrats have a different platform than Utah Democrats and the national party. So this poses the question which platform will carry in the Utah Legislature? Voters need to know this!

A good example, Utah's Constitutional Amendment 3 that defined marriage as a legal union between a man and a woman was nearly defeated because a 2/3 vote was needed in the House and Senate to make changes to the constitution. In the Senate the amendment passed by one vote. All Republicans voted for the Amendment and all Democrats voted against the Amendment. In the House three Democrats crossed over to pass the amendment and they paid for their defection.

Today the LDS Church reaffirmed its stance on marriage and spoke out against the California Supreme Court's definition of marriage. It is asking LDS members to actively support Proposition 8 which would overturn the California Supreme Court's decision.

If Utah County Democrats want to be Republicans we need to know what plans, proposals, what legislation, what funding they are going to supply to show their commitment to pro-family values - then we need to know how they are going to convince their colleagues who voted against family value legislation to change their vote.

Republicans have provided protections to traditional families since they took over in 1970. If Utah County Democrat cannot take over and control their party in Utah, trading Republicans with Democrats will only weaken these protections. Why take this risk?